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Copyrights & Trademarks

Infloorpoolparts.com aggressively protects its copyrighted and trademarked content. Unauthorized use, including but not limited to use without permission, will result in legal action.

The “Infloorpoolparts.com” website serves as a “collective container” for any and all Copyrighted and Trademarked content there in that is owned by or licensed to AZ Pool Supplies, Inc..

IN FLOOR POOL PARTS claims ownership of all original content found on its site including, but not limited to, all of the following:

- Text - Logos - Graphics - Buttons - Icons - Images - Data Compilations - Software
- Any content removed/received from the site such as: digital downloads, copying of text, copying of images, etc.
iN fLoor pOol pArts .com is not responsible for any legal or negative actions that are the result of the misuse of content taken by any party that does not have documented permission.

All content licensed to IN-floor POOL-Parts is still upheld by these policies.

Example: an image that inFLOOR poolPARTS physically takes of a manufacture’s product belongs to in-floor POOLPARTS.com as ownership of the picture is being asserted, not ownership of the product held within.

Reproduction of any and all content on infloorpoolparts.com is strictly prohibited unless documented permission has been provided by AZ Pool Supplies, Inc.. To obtain information regarding any AZ Pool Supplies, Inc. content use please send an email to CS@azpoolsupplies.com

This pertains to all actions taken with said content including, but not limited to the following:

- Misrepresentation - Copying - Modifying - Removing
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- Create derivative works from or in any way exploit any of the content, in whole or in part.
Upon discovery or notification of unauthorized content reproduction, AZ Pool Supplies, Inc. will prosecute the infringing party to the fullest extent of the law. AZ Pool Supplies, Inc. will pursue such litigation in civil or criminal courts based on the type of infringement and damages caused.

For more information regarding Copyright and Trademark Laws please visit: U.S. Copyright